GNO has two farms that supply the slaughterhouse and the central store. Producing ourselves our first matter we guarantee the quality and origin.
River Lodge is a site of approximately 10 000 hectares located at a 2 hours driving distance from Lubumbashi. The two main activities are:
The piggery
It’s the first AI station (artificially insemination) in RDC. 120 sows give birth twice a year. At the age of 5 weeks we send the piglets to the fattening station in Kamipini. The management of livestock is the most modern because the majority of inseminations are artificially performed and ultrasound is used to confirm gestation, … Through the herd monitoring software the performance and health of the animal is ensured.
Two breeds that are of major importance on the site are Brahman and Bonsmara.
The Brahman breed is a minor part of the overall population (25%). This is a fairly typical breed (humpback cow Zebu- type) and very rustic.
The animals enjoy an improved pasture (mixture of grass) and also receive supplements from the milling of Kampini. Raising Bonsmara breed of River Lodge is closely co-related with herd from Kamipini.
The purpose of this farm is to produce calf’s. These calf’s remain with their mother for approximately 6 months and are then sent to the slaughterhouse, ideally they must attain a minimum live weight of 150 kg.
This production offers new type of meat in addition to the wide choice offered by Number One.
Finally, the management of livestock is the most modern. Indeed, the majority of inseminations are artificially performed, ultrasound is practiced to confirm gestation, … Through the herd monitoring software the performance and health of the animal is ensured.